Enquiry document ball mill relining at Kipushi Corporation SA







These instructions will not form part of the Agreement with the successful Tenderer.


This Enquiry covers the supply and/or services defined in Section 2 Specifications.


The Tenderer is the Organisation or Company which submits a tender. The Tenderer has been provided with specific Enquiry Documentation to do so.


The Tenderer’s letter accompanying the Tender shall state the name of the Organisation or Company, the contact person/s and contact telephone, cellular phone and email address.


Should an invited Tenderer wish to form a consortium or a joint venture or some other form of collaboration, the Tenderer shall formally notify the Employer within seven days from the Enquiry document issue date, whichever occurs first, advising him of the details and seek the Employer’s agreement to tender in such a manner.

The Employer’s agreement is not assured, and should the Tenderer continue without the Employer’s written approval, the resultant Tender may be rejected.


Tenderers are advised to familiarise themselves with all aspects of this Enquiry before inserting any prices or rates. It is as a result of this understood and agreed that the successful Tenderer should not be entitled to any increase in the Price quoted caused by provisions not considered by the Tenderer. The Tenderer shall investigate the whole of this Enquiry to establish and comply with any requirement to provide any information via attachments. It shall briefly describe and include the following with their Tender:

5.1. A Power of Attorney authorising the signatories of the Tender to bind the Tenderer to their Tender irrevocably.

5.2. Information regarding any pending, imminent and current arbitration, mediation and litigation in which the Tenderer is involved, including details of the parties concerned, the subject of such arbitration, mediation and litigation and the disputed amount.

5.3. The Tenderers safety statistics and related performance data of similar comparison as the scope of this Enquiry.

5.4. The name and contact details of 3 (three) previous but recent Employer / Client Representatives who may vouch for the Tenderers previous performance and cooperation, should the need arise.

5.5. Provide a list of clients to which the Tenderer has successfully delivered similar services of the same nature or magnitude. Include a short description of the project, the value of the project and your specific role delivered to each client. Provide references and contact details for these clients.

5.6. Certification that the Tenderer is in good standing with the appropriate government and quasi-government organisations such as the Department of Revenue and Customs and the Ministry of Labour.

5.7. Where and when was the Organisation or Company founded?

5.8. Who are the major shareholders in the Organisation or Company?

5.9. In which country is the Organisation or Company registered? Provide registered Organisation or Company name and registration details in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

5.10. In which countries is your Organisation or Company represented?

5.11. Specify the location of your Organisation or Company head office.

5.12. Specify the location of all your Organisation or Company offices, locally and internationally.

5.13. Has your Organisation or Company or entity or any former business ever failed in the past five financial years to complete a contract, had the contract partially or fully been taken over or had a contract been varied to delete substantial work to overcome poor performance under the contract? If yes, provide details.

5.14. Has any partner, principal or director in your Organisation or Company ever been associated with any other Organisation that has failed in the past five financial years to complete a contract? If yes, provide details.

5.15. What benefits will your Organisation or Company gain through providing the service or supply to the Employer?

5.16. What is your Organisation or Company structure and ownership?

5.17. What is the total number of staff employed? Provide an Organisation chart identifying senior partners/directors and other staff.

5.18. Has any partner, principal or director in your Organisation or Company ever been convicted of an offence?

5.19. Describe the skill sets and competencies of the resources your Organisation or Company have, as well as the number of resources your Organisation or Company has in the skill sets that would likely be called for by the Employer.

5.20. Provide a summary of your “order book‟ commitments for the next three years.

5.21. Provide information that approximately defines where the focus of your business lies and indicate the prime services your Organisation or Company provides and those that it typically sub-contracts.

5.22. The Tenderer shall submit with it’s Tender, as a separate document, “Corporate Social Investment‟. Such document shall show any measurements taken to fulfil corporate social investment initiatives in areas where the Tenderer is present/the willingness to contribute to existing initiatives, i.e. Development, Training, Local employment and Corporate spend.

5.23. Preference will be given to tenderers that are registered with ARSP (Autorite de Regulation de la Sous-traitance dans le secteur Prive) website:

5.24. Tenderers may include an allowance of 1.2% per invoice payable to ARSP, as applicable. 


The “Original Tender” with all related tender data, annexures, addenda, and enclosures shall be submitted via email to kicot@kipushicorp.com, before the closing time, as follows:

Marked: Confidential
Enquiry Number: KICO-BMREL-T004

Tender’s Close:

The email subject line for submissions must only reference the RFQ number of this Tender as submissions are electronically allocated. Submissions that do not contain the RFQ number as the subject line will be rejected by the Employer’s electronic system.


You are reminded to keep a copy of the Tender for your records.

Click here to download the full DOCUMENT - PDF format

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Enquiry document ball mill relining at Kipushi Corporation SA

Publié le 02/08/2024 | Réf. MCN : AOF38987
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Email :kicot@kipushicorp.com








These instructions will not form part of the Agreement with the successful Tenderer.


This Enquiry covers the supply and/or services defined in Section 2 Specifications.


The Tenderer is the Organisation or Company which submits a tender. The Tenderer has been provided with specific Enquiry Documentation to do so.


The Tenderer’s letter accompanying the Tender shall state the name of the Organisation or Company, the contact person/s and contact telephone, cellular phone and email address.


Should an invited Tenderer wish to form a consortium or a joint venture or some other form of collaboration, the Tenderer shall formally notify the Employer within seven days from the Enquiry document issue date, whichever occurs first, advising him of the details and seek the Employer’s agreement to tender in such a manner.

The Employer’s agreement is not assured, and should the Tenderer continue without the Employer’s written approval, the resultant Tender may be rejected.


Tenderers are advised to familiarise themselves with all aspects of this Enquiry before inserting any prices or rates. It is as a result of this understood and agreed that the successful Tenderer should not be entitled to any increase in the Price quoted caused by provisions not considered by the Tenderer. The Tenderer shall investigate the whole of this Enquiry to establish and comply with any requirement to provide any information via attachments. It shall briefly describe and include the following with their Tender:

5.1. A Power of Attorney authorising the signatories of the Tender to bind the Tenderer to their Tender irrevocably.

5.2. Information regarding any pending, imminent and current arbitration, mediation and litigation in which the Tenderer is involved, including details of the parties concerned, the subject of such arbitration, mediation and litigation and the disputed amount.

5.3. The Tenderers safety statistics and related performance data of similar comparison as the scope of this Enquiry.

5.4. The name and contact details of 3 (three) previous but recent Employer / Client Representatives who may vouch for the Tenderers previous performance and cooperation, should the need arise.

5.5. Provide a list of clients to which the Tenderer has successfully delivered similar services of the same nature or magnitude. Include a short description of the project, the value of the project and your specific role delivered to each client. Provide references and contact details for these clients.

5.6. Certification that the Tenderer is in good standing with the appropriate government and quasi-government organisations such as the Department of Revenue and Customs and the Ministry of Labour.

5.7. Where and when was the Organisation or Company founded?

5.8. Who are the major shareholders in the Organisation or Company?

5.9. In which country is the Organisation or Company registered? Provide registered Organisation or Company name and registration details in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

5.10. In which countries is your Organisation or Company represented?

5.11. Specify the location of your Organisation or Company head office.

5.12. Specify the location of all your Organisation or Company offices, locally and internationally.

5.13. Has your Organisation or Company or entity or any former business ever failed in the past five financial years to complete a contract, had the contract partially or fully been taken over or had a contract been varied to delete substantial work to overcome poor performance under the contract? If yes, provide details.

5.14. Has any partner, principal or director in your Organisation or Company ever been associated with any other Organisation that has failed in the past five financial years to complete a contract? If yes, provide details.

5.15. What benefits will your Organisation or Company gain through providing the service or supply to the Employer?

5.16. What is your Organisation or Company structure and ownership?

5.17. What is the total number of staff employed? Provide an Organisation chart identifying senior partners/directors and other staff.

5.18. Has any partner, principal or director in your Organisation or Company ever been convicted of an offence?

5.19. Describe the skill sets and competencies of the resources your Organisation or Company have, as well as the number of resources your Organisation or Company has in the skill sets that would likely be called for by the Employer.

5.20. Provide a summary of your “order book‟ commitments for the next three years.

5.21. Provide information that approximately defines where the focus of your business lies and indicate the prime services your Organisation or Company provides and those that it typically sub-contracts.

5.22. The Tenderer shall submit with it’s Tender, as a separate document, “Corporate Social Investment‟. Such document shall show any measurements taken to fulfil corporate social investment initiatives in areas where the Tenderer is present/the willingness to contribute to existing initiatives, i.e. Development, Training, Local employment and Corporate spend.

5.23. Preference will be given to tenderers that are registered with ARSP (Autorite de Regulation de la Sous-traitance dans le secteur Prive) website:

5.24. Tenderers may include an allowance of 1.2% per invoice payable to ARSP, as applicable. 


The “Original Tender” with all related tender data, annexures, addenda, and enclosures shall be submitted via email to kicot@kipushicorp.com, before the closing time, as follows:

Marked: Confidential
Enquiry Number: KICO-BMREL-T004

Tender’s Close:

The email subject line for submissions must only reference the RFQ number of this Tender as submissions are electronically allocated. Submissions that do not contain the RFQ number as the subject line will be rejected by the Employer’s electronic system.


You are reminded to keep a copy of the Tender for your records.

Click here to download the full DOCUMENT - PDF format

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